Book 25: The Parachute Drop - Norbert Zongo
"...the story of a corrupt African dictator toppled in a coup d'état, who seeks to restore his presidency."
This novel is about a fictional country and a fictional dictator. However, Norbert Zongo was an outspoken critic of Burkina Faso's president, Blaise Compaoré, and Compaoré had Zongo arrested, beaten, and ultimately, assassinated following the publication of this novel.
So what did Compaorê find so objectionable? I suppose no dictator is a fan of books about overthrowing dictators. In "Parachute Drop," the army of fictional Watinbow overthrows the tyrannical President Gouama, who had taken over following the decolonization of the country. President Gouama survives the coup, but then struggles to get to safety...only to find that his friends have all turned against him.
This is a short, interesting read about oppressive regimes that took over many African countries following decolonization.